Teaching and Research
Blog posts and resources in language teaching, learning, and research from Dr. Linh Phung

Dr. Linh Phung
Educator, Leader, Innovator
Dr. Linh Phung is a language educator, researcher, and creator with a track record of directing successful educational programs and developing impactful technology applications and language learning materials. She is the Founder of the Eduling Speak app, which offers specialized English courses based on communicative tasks and games. As an author, she has published four language learning books and three children's books. As a researcher, she has her research published in high impact journals. Her professional experience also involves serving as an English Language Specialist with the U.S. Department of State in 2023, working at Shorelight as a senior research analyst, and being Chief Learning Officer of Pangea Chat (current).

My Services
Blog Posts
Language Teaching and Research Channel
Language Teaching and Research Channel

AE Live 16.3 - Promoting Authentic Language Use with Tasks

Addressing Problems in Task-based Language Teaching by Rod Ellis

Creating Interactive Tasks
Publications and Presentations
(Links to selected presentations will soon be added)
Phung, L., Reinders, H. & Pham, H. (2024). Innovation in language teaching: The case of Vietnam and Cambodia. London, UK: Palgrave.
Phung, L., & Hauer, L. & Nguyen, P.A. (2023). IELTS Speaking Part 2: Strategies, Model Speeches, and Practice Activities. HL BOOKS. Lesson plan based on the book.
Reinders, H., Lewis, M. & Phung, L. (2017). Studying in English: Strategies for success in higher education. London, UK: Palgrave.
Phung, L. & Pham, S. (2022). Tug of Words (a picture book). USA: HL Books.
Phung, L., Pham. S. (2022). Tug of Words: Trò chơi kéo co ngôn ngữ (bilingual picture book).
Phung, L., Pham, S. & Quyen, M. (2023). Translanguaging: Hallie’s First Words: Những tiếng đầu đời pha trộn của Hà Ly. USA: Stories of Vietnam.
Phung, L. & Pham, S. (2024). Four Seasons Together (a picture book). USA: HL Books.
Phung, L. & Pham. S. (2024). Four Seasons Together: Bốn mùa cùng nhau (a bilingual picture book). USA: HL Books.
Dinh, H. & Phung, L. (2024). 50 Hoạt động nâng cao kỹ năng tiếng Anh trên lớp và tại nhà (50 Activities to enhance English language skills in class and at home). Vietnam: Gamma Books.
Phung, L. & Tovar, A. (2024). Spanish Learning Games: Juegos para aprender español. USA: HL Books.
Phung, L. (2023). Vietnamese Learning Games: Học tiếng Việt qua trò chơi ngôn ngữ. USA: HL Books.
Phung, L., Nakamura, S. & Reinders, H. (2020). The effect of choice on affective engagement: Implications for task design. In P. Hiver, S. Mercer, A. Al-Hoorie (eds.) Student Engagement in the Language Classroom. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Nakamura, S., Phung, L. & Reinders, H. (2020). The effect of choice on L2 task engagement. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
Wolf, D. & Phung, L. (2019). Studying in the United States: Language learning challenges, strategies, and support services. Journal of International Students, 9(1), 211-224.
Phung, L. (2017). Task preference, affective response, and learners’ engagement in L2 use in a U.S. university context. Language Teaching Research, 21(6), 751-766.
Reinders, H. (author), Phung, L. (consultant), Ryan, S. (consultant), Thomas, N. (consultant), (2023). The Key to Self-regulated Learning – A systematic approach to maximising its potential [PDF]. Oxford University Press. www.oup.com/elt/expert
Phung, L. (2022). From words to picture book: The self-publishing process. Materials Writer Newsletter of TESOL International
Bauler, C., Phung, L. & Lin, C-C. (2022). Roasting turkey, toasting identities: Reimagining identities through living and cooking. Mosaic – The Newsletter of the New York State TESOL Association, 52(1), 16-22
Phung, L., Nakamura, S. & Reinders, H. (2019). Learner engagement and subjective responses to tasks in an EFL context. TESOL’s Applied Linguistics Forum, March 2019.
Phung, L. (2019). Người lạ, người thiểu số, và con đường hội nhập. (A stranger, a minority, and my integration journey). An essay in a multi-authored book titled Almost Home. Vietnam: Youth Publishing.
Phung, L. (2017). Reflection on and engagement in actions as a program administrator. PAIS Newsletter, TESOL International, December 2017.
Phung, L. (2016). Facilitating content and language integrated learning (CLIL) through web-based activities: A teacher’s reflection. Folio, 17(1), 12-17.
Phung, L. (2015). Crossword puzzle partner: Reviewing vocabulary and practicing vocabulary strategies. In H. Reinders and M. Lewis (Eds.), New Ways of Teaching Adults. TESOL Publication.
Phung, L. (2013). NNEST (Non-Native English Speaking Teachers) Blog of the month interview.
Mobile learning and Task-based Language Teaching. A keynote speech at the “New Trends in English Language Teaching in Iraq: Exploring Challenges and Solutions.” Virtual, April 2024.
AI for language learning. Presentation as part of an academic panel at the TESOL 2024 Convention, Tampa, Florida, March 2024
Facilitating engagement with corrective feedback with AI tools. Presentation at the TESOL 2024 Convention, Tampa, Florida, March 2024
From student publications to winning essays: Teaching writing through engaging texts. Presentation at the TESOL 2024 Convention, Tampa, Florida, March 2024
Selecting target vocabulary for ELT textbooks. Presentation as part of an academic panel at the TESOL 2024 Convention, Tampa, Florida, March 2024
REAping directions in TESOL: Recognition, empowerment, action, and pursuit. Invited panel at the TESOL 2024 Convention, Tampa, Florida, March 2024
Creating technology-enhanced tasks. Presentation at a panel on materials development. TESOL International Convention, Portland, March 2023
Mobile apps and language learning. Innovation in Education Conference. Notting Hill College, February 2023
The interaction of tasks and gamification in MALL. NYSTESOL Annual Conference, November 2022
Developing technology-mediated tasks. MMVC22 Online Conference, August 2022
Using tasks and gamification to engage learners. RILAE (Research Institute for Learner Autonomy Education at Kanda University of International Studies), July 2022
From Discord to Eduling Speak: Application of tasks and gamification. METU ELT International Convention, June 2022
Tasks and gamification for mobile learning. NETA PeruTec, June 2022
Tasks and gamification in mobile assisted language learning. Kuwait TESOL, April 2022
Simply talking: Bring the world together through Discord. TESOL International Convention, March 2022, Pittsburgh, PA
Output in the online language classroom. Presentation with Dr. Hoa Nguyen, TESOL International Convention, March 2022, Pittsburgh, PA
Gamifying language learning activities. Presentation with Dr. Hoa Nguyen, TESOL International Convention, March 2022, Pittsburgh, PA
Mobile apps and language learning. Invited panel at Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Association of Language Teachers (KSAALT), March, 2022
Roasting turkey, toasting identities. Presentation with Clara Bauler and Ching-Ching Lin at New York State TESOL, November 2021
Simply talking: Bring the world together through Discord. Webinar with TESOL’s Bi/Multilingual Education Interest Section.
Output-prompting techniques in the online language classroom. Presentation with Dr. Hoa Nguyen, American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, March 2021
The affordances and pitfalls of gamifying online language activities. Presentation with Dr. Hoa Nguyen and research team (accepted), American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) conference, March 2021
Input manipulation in virtual EFL classes. Presentation with Dr. Hoa Nguyen and research team (accepted), American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, March 2021
The affordances and pitfalls of gamifying online language activities. Presentation with Dr. Hoa Nguyen and research team (accepted), TESOL Convention, March 2021
Making gamified activities facilitative of language development. Three Rivers TESOL Conference, October 2020.
A personalized approach to teaching grammar. EnglishUSA Professional Conference, San Francisco, January 2020.
Learner engagement and subjective responses to tasks in an EFL context. A research presentation at TESOL International Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, March 12-15, 2019.
Effective collaboration in programming to promote student engagement and growth in global learning. Presentation with Martina Wells, PACIE (Pennsylvania Council of International Education) Conference, Cranberry, Pennsylvania, October 2018.
The effect of learner control on task engagement. Paper presented at the Psychology of Language Learning by Sachiko Nakamura, Hayo Reinders, and Linh Phung, Tokyo, Japan, June 2018.
Study in the States: Challenges, strategy use, and support services. Poster presented at NAFSA Conference, Philadelphia, May 2018.
Developing tasks to maximize language production and learner engagement. Poster presented at the TESOL International Convention, Chicago, March 2018.
Planning to face challenges in a changing IEP market. Invited panel at TESOL International Convention, Chicago, March 2018.
Task preference, affective response, and task engagement. World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2017.
Examining task engagement from behavioral and subjective perspectives. Individual paper as part of a colloquium on “The role of tasks in improving learners’ affective responses and engagement in performance.” Second Language Research Forum, New York, September 2016.
Understanding, explaining, and developing language tests takes a village. EnglishUSA Conference, Monterey, CA, January 2016.
From task to engagement to learning: Task design principles. Three Rivers TESOL Fall Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November 7, 2015.
Facilitating content and language integrated learning (CLIL) through Web-based activities. TESOL Convention and Language Expo, Portland, Oregon, March 26-30, 2014.
Promoting collaborative learning through a Glee-based course. GLoCALL International Conference in Computer Assisted Language Learning, Danang, Vietnam, November 28-30, 2013.
Exploring placement test options. Presentation with Heather McNaught and Julia Salehzadeh. NAFSA Regional Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November 14-17, 2013.
Highlighting some online collaborative activities in a “Glee” syllabus. Three Rivers TESOL Spring Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, April 13, 2013.
Helping students discover language-specific and discipline-specific writing expectations. Three Rivers TESOL Fall Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 26, 2012
Technology in language teaching. Childhood Education International, July 22, 2024
Task-based Language Teaching to promote oral communication. CA TESOL, July 19, 2024
Hoạt động có tính tương tác cao để nâng kỹ năng tiếng Anh. Presentation with Hong Dinh. Gamma Junior, June 2024.
Direct instruction and classroom management. EQuest Professional Development Series for K-12 Teachers, June 2024 (Co-presented with Hong Dinh)
Gamified and multimodal learning. EQuest Professional Development Series for K-12 Teachers, June 2024 (Co-presented with Hong Dinh)
Learning-centred approaches to education. EQuest Professional Development Series for K-12 Teachers, June 2024 (Co-presented with Hong Dinh)
Text-based and task-based approaches to materials development. Syria TESOL, Virtual, March 2024
Mobile learning and Task-based Language Teaching. A virtual keynote speech at Annual Seminar on English Language Studies, Indonesia
Let's talk education. Presentation with Hong Dinh, Học kiểu Mỹ tại nhà and Eduling International, December 2024.
A systematic approach to self-regulated learning. Online Conference for Benelux and Swiss Secondary Teachers hosted by Oxford University Press ELT, Virtual, November 2023
Technology and materials development. A virtual presentation to graduate students at the University of Languages and International Studies, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 2023
Eduling Speak: An intersection between mobile learning and Task-based Language Teaching. A blended workshop to administrators, teachers, and students at Al-Farahidi University, Iraq
Developing classroom activities with texts. Virtual TESOL Methodology Forum, Mexico, October 2023
New and fresh: Creating tasks with pictures and texts with the text-based and task-based approaches. Keynote given at Peru TESOL Conference, July 2023 2.
New and fresh: Creating tasks with pictures, stories, and original texts. Presentation in the Keynote Speaker Series organized by Saudi Arabia Association for Language Teaching, July 2023 3.
All you need to know about self-regulated learning. Presentation with Hayo Reinders at ELTOC Conference, Oxford University Press, June 203
Applying Task-based Language Teaching. A 3-day workshop to over 100 lecturers in military schools across Vietnam organized by the Ministry of National Defense
Teaching the four skills. Materials shared as Teachers’ Corner Expert in May 2023 through the US Department of State’s Facebook Page American English for Educators
Promoting authentic language use with tasks. American English for Educators, U.S. Department of State. February 15, 2023.
Carving a path for research, publication, and materials development. TESOL Career Path Development PLN. January 23, 2023.
Project-Based Learning in ELT. VietTESOL, October 29, 2022
Teachers as materials developer: Keeping principles of L2 development in mind. Presentation at TESOL Gulf, December 2020.
Improving your English speaking skills. A Facebook live presentation to hundreds of students in Vietnam through EducationUSA, Ho Chi Minh, November 2020
Improving your English speaking skills. Presentation to Taiwanese students through Taiwan Fulbright Office, June 2020.
Improving your English speaking skills. A Facebook live presentation to hundreds of students in Vietnam through EducationUSA, Hanoi, April 2020
Two approaches to developing English teaching materials. Invited presentation to the Faculty of English, University of Language and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 2018.
L2 motivation self-system: Reviewing concepts and research. Guest lecture to MA students from King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. November 2017.
Developing English learning/teaching materials for the Brazilian academic community. Webinar to teachers participating in the Languages without Borders project by the Brazilian Ministry of Education, October 2017.
Tasks, task engagement, and affective responses. GESL 510: Theories and Practice in Second Language Learning, Duquesne University, October 2016.
Working with nonnative English speaking students. Doctoral seminar in multiculturalism, Chatham University, July 2017, June 2016, and July 2015.
Pedagogical considerations in teaching nonnative English speaking students. Nursing Department Professional Event, Chatham University, September 2015.
My experience with Vietnam. History course, Chatham University, spring 2012 and spring 2016.
Curriculum development and assessment. A two-hour workshop presented to the faculty of English for Specific Purposes. Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam, September 2015.
Working with English language learners (ELLs) and clients: Strategies for effective communication. ESL Symposium, Community College of Allegheny County, West Mifflin, PA, April 2015.
Working with non-native English speaking students. Chatham University’s Professional Development Series, January 2015.