To celebrate the start of the partnership between Eduling International Academy and Duolingo, Duolingo and Eduling will offer 20 free tests to Eduling students. Each test normally costs $49. The Duolingo English Test measures students' English proficiency and is correlated with the CEFR and TOEFL iBT. Many universities and international high schools now accept the test for admission.

Eduling is offering these free tests to the first 20 students who register and pay for their classes in 2020. According to Duolingo policies, the students need to be at least 13 years old in order to take the test. Eduling will send instructions to the selected students with a coupon number so that they can take the test for free.
Language learning takes a long time, and Eduling does not advise students to only focus on preparing for tests. However, this may be a great opportunity for students to know their general English level, so that they can set their long-term goals to learn English.
The Duolingo takes about an hour to complete. You can take it right from your own computer in a quiet room. You will receive the results within 48 hours. In order to take the test, your computer will need to have a camera and microphone. You can login to https://englishtest.duolingo.com to review your score at any time. If you experience any technical problems with the test, you will see instructions on how to contact Duolingo support, or you can also email them directly at englishtest-support@duolingo.com.
Duolingo is a educational technology company with the famous Duolingo language app, which offers language lessons to hundreds of millions of people around the world. Like Eduling International Academy, Duolingo is based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. The company was recently evaluated to be worth 1 billion dollars and received a big investment from Alphabet, the parent company of Google. Although a language app cannot replace traditional and online classes, it offers convenient and motivating lessons to those who would like to learn a new language, such as Vietnamese, English, Portuguese, and Spanish, right on their phone without fear of making mistakes.
Eduling website: https://www.eduling.org/
Eduling facebook: www.facebook.com/edulingusa
Email: edulingusa@gmail.com or edulingvn@gmail.com