"Five languages plus one person equals the world of friendship and opportunities. This simple equation describes who I am and what I gained with the help of my language skills."
By Oksana Moroz
PhD Candidate in Composition and Applied Linguistics
Eduling International Academy Teacher
Fulbright Recipient
Cô Oksana nói 5 thứ tiếng, có bằng Thạc sỹ về giảng dạy tiếng Anh tại Mỹ qua học bổng Fulbright danh tiếng của chính phủ Mỹ. Hiện cô đang làm Nghiên cứu sinh về Ngôn ngữ học Ứng dụng. Cô có kinh nghiệm giảng dạy và trình bày ở các nước khác nhau và có cơ hội gặp gỡ những nhân vật nổi tiếng như Bill Clinton và Chelsea Clinton qua một hội thảo toàn cầu. Cô tin rằng tiếng Anh mang đến cho người học cơ hội khám phá thế giới, tăng cường hiểu biết về các nền văn hóa khác nhau, và trở thành công dân toàn cầu. Cô mong muốn đồng hành cùng các em học sinh của Eduling International Academy trên những chặng đường khám phá thế giới đó.

Five languages plus one person equals the world of friendship and opportunities. This simple equation describes who I am and what I gained with the help of my language skills. I believe that global citizenship and cultural understanding can be achieved with the help of languages. Languages are powerful tools in discovering the world around us and critically reflecting on the concepts whirling everywhere. My main goal as a language teacher is to produce responsible citizens, who are fully competent language users, critical thinkers, and social change agents.

My first English language textbook series that I really liked as a student was called Opportunities. Since that time, the word “opportunity” has been one of my favorite words in English because it succinctly describes how I feel about the English language and its global significance. During my undergraduate studies at university, I realized that I wanted to research English language teacher identity formation and gender’s influence on it. Since then, I have been trying to achieve needed competencies and skills in the sphere of second language learning, teacher education, and global education. I’m currently pursuing a PhD in Composition and Applied Linguistics, while teaching ESL courses at the university level as well as to K12 students with Eduling International Academy. These opportunities allow me to not only learn from and with students and colleagues from all over the world and embrace our global citizenships together.

I believe that the Ukrainian phrase “the more languages you know, the more times you are a person,” is vivid, self-explanatory wisdom that can be applied to any person in the world. My experience has proved that being multilingual is a way to achieve cross-cultural understanding, creativity, innovation, collaboration, teamwork, and critical consciousness. I would like to stress the role of the teacher in the process of acquiring global citizenship and cross-cultural understanding. Teacher’s linguistic and instructional skills and intercultural competence greatly matter, so that the glocal (global plus local) needs of the students are met. I’m looking forward to taking “journeys” together with Eduling students through our English lessons.
Happy 2020 and wish you happiness and success in the new year!
Ms. Oksana is currentl teaching INSIDE C for Grades 7-9 for Eduling International Academy. She is going to teach a new course, INSIDE B, on Friday. Interested students and parents can contact Eduling with the information below.
Eduling website: https://www.eduling.org/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/edulingusa
Email in Vietnamese: edulingvn@gmail.com
Email for all: edulingusa@gmail.com